Weight: 720g
Dimensions: 220x87cm
Pack size: 35x10x10cm
RRP: £380

Review: The incredibly lightweight pioneer from Terra Nova. This tent was released in 2007, but it remains the industry-leading contender for lightweight camping. At just 6cm narrower than the Terra Nova Laser Competition 1, this tent manages to shed a further 210g, without sacrificing stability or quality of materials. The pegs are titanium and the pole carbon fibre, which means you can still get a double-skin tent that weighs less than a pint of beer. On the downside, there is no extra length, so very tall campers may find it a bit cramped, but to be honest you are not buying this tent for comfort - you are buying this tent because you want something you can put in your rucksack and not even notice the addition. It is, of course, expensive, but for those who can afford it and need to travel ultra-light there is nothing better.
Best bits: Staggeringly light and still a proper double-skinned tent, the best lightweight tent on the market
Worst bits: Expensive
Alternatives: For lightweight camping, there are no alternatives. If you're not lightweight camping and want extra comfort, then the Golite Eden is a good choice.
RRP: £380
Where to get it cheaper?: Click here: £265