Sleeps: 2 (allegedly)
Weight: 980g
Dimensions: Internal 230x140cm (at the widest point)
Pack Size: 53x20x5cm
RRP: £110
Review: The Coleman Rigel X2 is the lightest tent in the Coleman range. However, despite the 140cm width at the widest point, the shape of the tent means that it narrows quickly towards the foot-end, and as such it is very tricky to squeeze two normal sized people into this tent. There are, however, lots of positives about this tent. The weight is miniscule, especially considering the budget price - to get a quality tent that is both less than 1kg and less than £60 is pretty incredible. The tent is easy to erect, and packs away into the groundsheet with a clever packing system. As with all Coleman tents, the poles are colour coded (although you don't need it with this one!) and there are reflective strips to help you find the tent in the dark. Whilst not ideal for poor weather conditions, as a very lightweight option for spring-summer backpacking this is a good budget option.
Best bits: Incredible price for a <1kg tent
Worst bits: Not a two-person tent unless you are willing to be packed together all night
Alternatives: The
Force 10 Helium 200 is a little heavier, but a little bigger and much better at withstanding poor weather conditions.
RRP: £110
Where to get it cheaper?: Click here - £57.50