Sleeps: 1
Weight: 1.19kg
Dimensions: 210x95cm internal
Pack Size: 40x11x11cm
How to pitch: Watch the video
RRP: £220
Review: The Force 10 Helium 100 is a great little tent. Whilst you might shave a few grams off with an ultra-lightweight tent, to get a double-skinned tent that is near to 1kg for under £200 is fantastic. It can easily be thrown into a small rucksack, and is perfect for hiking and camping. The tent goes up and down very easily - there is just one real pole (you can't count the little stub that holds up the foot end as a pole), and seven pegs. As with all one-person tents it takes a bit of fiddling with the corners of the tent to get it taut, but once sorted the tent holds firm. As a test run, we took this tent to a festival this summer, and in very strong winds it was easily erected, and whilst other tents were blowing away all around the Force 10 Helium was rock solid. Inside the length is decent and can easily accommodate a person up to 6 feet tall with a bag. The width is reasonable, but the height is a little restrictive. In short, one of the best lightweight tents around.
Best bits: Lightweight, easy to erect, weatherproof
Worst bits: Height can be restrictive, somewhat difficult to get in and out
RRP: £220
Where to get it cheaper: £175 here